a small bouquet of colorful wildflowers sits on a background of a slightly blurry film photograph of a hedge.


there is no ethical existence under capitalism. that being so, we try to find small ways to resist capitalism (and all the oppressive institutions it’s entangled with) in everything we do at the sea goat. the following principles and practices are part of that commitment.

materials & ingredients

we intentionally source all of our materials and ingredients. we use local, upcycled, reusable, recyclable, and compostable materials wherever we can. we only use essential oils from a non-MLM company. we do not (and never will) use any synthetic fragrance oils. for our embroidery and knitwear, we use only natural fibers (wool, cotton, and linen). you can find a detailed list of materials and ingredients on every product page.

reparative pricing

the sea goat offers sliding scale pricing on all of our products. when you add an item to your cart, you can choose which price you are able to pay - no means testing, no questions asked. the lower price reflects the cost of materials. the higher price reflects the cost of materials and labor.

the lower price option is also offered to anyone who self identifies as: a person of the global majority (from Black, Indigenous, Latine/Latinx, Asian and other Communities of Color), LGBTQIA+, disabled/chronically ill, working class and/or low income.

this pricing model is in place to increase the financial accessibility of our products, and as a small act of reparation for members of communities targeted by systemic violence and oppression. it is provided on a basis of trust. we ask that if you are able to pay the higher price, you do so. doing so enables us to continue offering this reparative pricing model and supports our wealth redistribution practice.

barter & trade

our barter & trade program is inspired by alternative methods of exchanging goods and services. if the sliding scale prices remain financially inaccessible for you, or if you have something you’d like to trade for one of our products, we recommend checking it out. you can find more information (including a list of things & services we’d be interested in trading for) and fill out the interest form here.

wealth redistribution

as an act of solidarity with Indigenous sovereignty and land & water back movements, 3% of annual profits will be divided evenly and donated to these Native led organizations: